Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Starting a Blog - Motivating, Creative Tool or Just Really Pleased with Myself?

Of note: I'm not really good at what you might call "follow through".

Never have been.  Truly, and seriously, I thought of starting a food blog YEARS ago.  I had one. That I never posted on. And then, suddenly, I get a job at Horse & Buggy Produce (more on these folks later. I know I keep referencing them, so I'll fess up my alliances in another post this week), and move to Richmond, and feel like now's as good a time as any.  So, here it is. She Has Boots Has Arrived.

Trouble is, I'm still sorting out what it is I want to be saying in this forum.  I know that I want to write about food, but, as with my obsession with cooking and homemaking, nourishment is too small a concept to hold what it is that the kitchen symbolizes for me. Or perhaps it is that, as a jack of all trades, not only is there a lack of mastery of any subject, but it is in fact the great breadth of my hobbies that keeps me sane and living free.  I couldn't write a blog just on food, or cooking, or art, or music, or gardening, or finding a path, or being a domestic renegade feminist, but somehow they all weave together to create a life that is my creative life.  It is all those moments of making stuff that are sprinkled throughout my days.

It has always been the making of things that gives me the greatest pleasure.

So, perhaps this little portal is a container for that place in my life. Because truly, making a winter soup is not so different from forming a band, and growing seedlings not so far from creating an ensemble of musicians.  The skill set is the same. And in the moments when I feel the most ordinary, the most bored and boring, afraid that I'll leave this world having achieved nothing of note or worth, I think about making some bread. Or sowing some seed. Or making something grow, live, change, expand, develop and thrive.  And it is those small acts of creating, of making, of bringing into being, that don't seem magical or ambitious.  Just real and alive.

(Uh, so expect some occasional rambling like this y'all. I didn't FEEL like writing about soup, alright?!)


  1. Occasional rambling is AOK.


  2. as long as you keep writing, I don't care what it's about.

  3. It took a public declaration for me to blog more. I figured, if I tell everyone I am going to do it, and make a big deal about it, I will be too embarrassed to slack. It works. Almost most of the time. Anyway, do your thing.
